Cheerleaders are the embodiment of team spirit. From high school to professional sports leagues, cheerleaders can always be expected to bring energy.
They always keep the crowds, as well as the teams, well-energized throughout a game. But they also are known to keep each other’s spirits up as well.

Nothing could be a better demonstration of this comradery than the TikTok video that was captured at a cheer competition.
Besides cheering at games, cheerleaders will often gather at cheer competitions. These lively events bring the cheer community closer together as well as incite a little friendly rivalry.

However, during one competition, the performing team ended up facing one big hurdle: The music went out! Talk about a high pressure, embarrassing moment to deal with.
It’s already a stressful enough experience performing in front of a large audience when you’re getting judged – remembering to hit all your movements – but then to have this happen, it would be game over, right? Not necessarily.

The cheer community came through for their fellow cheerleaders. The crowd, which was an estimated 10,000 rival cheerleaders, came to their aid. The crowd immediately started counting and clapping for the performing team, helping them to finish off their routine despite their music having died. How amazing is that show of solidarity?
Watch the video below:
@magenreaves And why were we all crying?! Such a sweet moment and they slayed their routine! 📣 #AXERatioChallenge #cheerleaders #cheer #cheerleaders #cheertok #competitivecheer #allstarcheer #nca #ncacheer #dallas #zero #zerodeductions
What do you think of the cheering crowd? Have you ever been part of a crowd when the music to a performance went out? Let us know what happened!