8) Supper

Some people use dinner and supper interchangeably, but we remember a time when dinner meant the midday meal! Supper was the evening meal back then!
9) Xerox

We called them Xeroxes regardless of what type of machine made them. For years, Xerox was THE name in copiers, so this one makes sense. But, with all the many brands available today and digital and laser jet prints, calling something a Xerox doesn’t make quite as much sense.
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10) Tin Foil

Despite the fact that it’s made from aluminum and even says so on the package, we grew up calling it tin foil. The precursor to modern aluminum foil was, in fact, made of tin, but World War II and the reallocation of materials put a stop to that.
11) Service Station

Do you remember why we used to call them that? You’d pull up and and get your tank filled and your windows washed by a friendly attendant. I can still remember that familiar ding when you ran over the signal wire. We still call them service stations even though there’s no service anymore and the payment doesn’t even require you talk to human!
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12) Jockey Box

This is a little less common and might be regional, but we heard this one growing up to reference the glove compartment!