“Beauty is pain,” as the old saying goes. This woman is taking that quote a bit too literally, though. Can you believe that she actually took the time to style her hair while she was in labor?
As anyone who has given birth before can tell you, the process is quite intense and glamour typically goes right out the window.
This mother-to-be was bound and determined to avoid these types of concerns. She wanted to look fabulous! We can’t say that we blame her on that one. After all, the day that a child is born is one of the most momentous days of a person’s life. The idea that someone would want to look their best is not that crazy to us.
Still, it is wild to see someone actually putting in this kind of effort. Secora Hawks is the mother in question and her dedication cannot be understated. She even decided to convince herself that she was not experiencing contractions. Otherwise, she would not have been able to finish braiding her hair before heading to the hospital. She does admit that she was in “the worst pain,” though.
“My husband is on the phone to the labor and delivery department to ask if we should come in, and I’m definitely in the worst pain [I’ve felt] in my life. I’m just trying to do my hair before the pain starts again,” she explained in a TikTok video. As you can see, she clearly starts to experience a contraction halfway through the video. That does not stop her from powering through!
The video has been over 12 million times, as people are stunned to see the level of thought that she is putting into this. The clip was a follow-up to another funny video where she lamented the fact that she could give birth before her parents arrived. “I better not be in labor because my mom’s not coming until tomorrow. I swear to God, if I give birth the day before my mom comes, I’m going to be p—-d,” she said.
For those who are unaware, labor can happen very slowly and gShe wradually, or it can be quick and intense. For most first-time moms, contractions start slow and build up to be more intense over the course of several hours or days. The first few hours or even full day of labor could be light enough that the mom could grocery shop, shower, and do typical day-to-day things in between contractions!
It seems that’s what this mom experienced since she wasn’t quite sure if she was in labor or not. She braided her hair “just in case” and it proved to pay off! She even rated the hairstyle for labor in a later video and gave it a solid 9.
Check out her clips below:
@secora Reply to @yamilet.88 ppl really doubted I was going to do my hair while in labor but I was committed as you can see #laboranddelivery #momsoftiktok
@secora Reply to @secora *more miserable bc trust me labor was not fun #momsoftiktok #laboranddelivery