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Taking a vacation is one of life’s great pleasures. It is also something that many of us are looking forward to after many months of staying in with the pandemic.

Preparing for a vacation, however, is not always the most pleasant thing to do. There may even be some stress associated with making sure that everything is packed, you have all of your tickets and passports, and you aren’t forgetting a thing.

Photo: flickr/Molly.Low

You also need to worry about your pets, the family that you may be leaving behind, and anything else that needs to be cared for at the last minute. Unfortunately, many of us leave home in such a hurry that we start to worry a few hours into the trip that we forgot something.

This was part of an interesting study. In the UK, approximately 200,000 homeowners were asked if they worried that they left something at home or forgot to do something at least once a week while they are away. According to the responses, 33% did worry. That’s the last thing we want to do on vacation!

One of the fears that we may have is if we turned the stove off before we left. It can ruin your day and you may even have to send someone to your home to check for you.

Photo: Max Pixel

There’s an easy way to overcome this problem, however: Take a picture of the stove before you leave. If you have any concerns about whether you left the stove on or not, you can simply look at the picture and go about enjoying your day.

You may be asking yourself at this point, why can’t I just check the stove to make sure it is off? Actually, Psychology Today reports that doing so can make your anxiety worse. More than likely, you have experienced this when you check something, then start to doubt yourself and go back to check again.


The simple act of taking a picture allows you to confirm at a glance that everything is okay. You might also think about anything else that you stress about and make sure you have a picture available right before you leave home.

Vacations are all about relaxing. Make sure that you maximize your relaxation by taking a few snapshots. Not only will it give you peace of mind, but it may also just help you in case you get homesick while you are away.