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While most of us would probably not associate the smell of burgers and fries with wedding bells, we’re not here to judge others for wanting to get married at Mcdonald’s or any other fast food joint. Thanks to a new law, it’s now possible to do just that in the UK.

The Law Commission is currently in the process of reforming the current laws surrounding marriage. “A reformed law of weddings that will allow couples greater choice within a simple, fair and consistent legal structure, so that people can have a wedding that’s meaningful to them,” their website reads.

This is big news for McDonald’s lovers, that’s for sure. For those who are planning on popping the question (then popping in for a burger), there are no shortage of options. Who needs to have a wedding cake when you can grab some hot apple pies instead? The consultation about these reforms closed a week ago and we could see a major relaxation in the laws.

Before long, we may able to get married in any location that we choose. According to the-Yorkshireman,
Founder of The Marriage Foundation, Sir Paul Coleridge, said, “The Law Commission’s exciting, new proposed reforms will relax many of the restrictions and open up the process so that couples can design their own wedding and tie the knot wherever they choose whether in their local church or local pub, a castle, a field or even in McDonald’s.”

We can’t lie, this sounds a bit more fun than the usual wedding. Why should people continue to shell out the big bucks when McDonald’s is right there? All jokes aside, this is a great way to make sure that you have the wedding of your dreams. For some, weddings are about commemorating the special aspects of a relationship, which may not include a church or formal venue.

If you met your special someone in a pub or a McDonald’s, you may want to spend your wedding day at the same location. Thanks to this law, it is going to be easier than ever to take this all-important step.