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When a holiday comes around and I see a seasonal or limited edition flavor, I always pounce to buy it. Why? Honestly, when I think of my reasoning, I never come up with a better answer than “well, it’s just tasty.” But maybe science can provide a reason. Research actually shows that when things are in a variety, limited edition, or seasonal release, the mind perceives the food as more satiating. But that’s not going to stop me from buying seasonal flavors anytime soon!

Via: Flickr

I’m one of those people who’ll buy something if it has seasonal flavors or colors every single time. Who would have thought variety makes for better enjoyment of a meal? Call it a trick of the mind, but there’s some primal notion that links scarcity with better taste.

Via: Flickr

Basically if you can’t get it all year round, then it’s more delicious. If I eat the same meals day-in-day-out, I then get super bored very fast. Monotonous eating can lead to lower levels of satiation (no wonder people fall off rigid meals schedules so quickly!). One study found that if an item was perceived as “limited in availability,” participants then ate that food more slowly and with more appreciation.

Via: Flickr

It is also noted that when you eat a flavor in a variety or an assortment, your favorite flavors will taste even more delicious. Again it goes back to that notion that things in limited quantities have a more special meaning.

Via: Flickr

So the next time you see that limited-edition flavor in the store, don’t feel bad about buying it, that sort of thinking is built into our wiring as humans!