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Have you ever wondered what your dog is up to when they’re left alone?

It’s something a dog owner named Mary was curious about with her dog, Hamilton. Eventually, she let her curiosity get the best of her and decided to set up a camera to see what her dog would do if he was left in the yard by himself.

Photo: Pixabay/Couleur

What makes things even more interesting is that her backyard has a pool and pool toys, and Hamilton loves water.

Mary wanted to know if Hamilton would get in the pool, or if he’d sleep, if he’d run around in excitement, or if he’d lounge around. Using a Ring camera, Mary let Hamilton into the yard and stepped away, leaving the pup all alone.

Photo: YouTube/Ring

Mary shared with Ring: “[Hamilton’s] always loved water. We wanted to see what he would do if he had the pool to himself…I laugh every time I watch it.”

In the video, Hamilton instantly dashes over to the pool and jumps in. He swims around, climbs out, runs around, and jumps back in.

Photo: YouTube/Ring

It’s clear that he’s over the moon about having the entire pool to himself! He can barely contain his excitement.

Watch the video below: