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There is nothing quite as enjoyable as going on a road trip. It gives you an opportunity to take your time, listen to some tunes, and enjoy watching the world go by. That isn’t even to mention the delicious, albeit somewhat unhealthy, food that we tend to eat on one of those vacations.

Many of us have been missing out on road trips this year due to the coronavirus. Listening to people on TikTok talking about their “gas station orders,” however, has us all getting ready to fuel up and hit the road.

As far as gas station orders are considered, they are pretty much a no-brainer. After spending a few hours driving around in a car, you get a little hungry. When you stop for gas, you start looking for some snacks and there are typically some items that are more convenient than others. For some, it may be sweet and for others, it could be salty. It may even be a combination!

It seems as if everybody has a favorite, and they aren’t afraid to share it on TikTok. Here are a couple to get you started:


nobody can beat my gas station order!! #fyp #gasstationorder

♬ Hot Girl Summer Dice Beat – sound remixes

As you look through the #gasstationorder hashtag, you never quite know what you are going to find. More than likely, you are going to run across some of your favorites, which probably include anything involving Flamin’ Hot and, of course, Reese’s peanut butter cups. The drinks tend to be all over the place, but there are plenty of people loving Arizona green tea and a good old Coke!

If you are ready for a road trip but not ready to leave the safety of your area, then this is something that you may want to consider.