Think back to how you used to talk when you were a kid. Chances are a lot of the slang words and shorthand you used have changed quite a bit since then, no? Well, the same thing happens to food terms. Recently we were looking through an old cookbook and we noticed some strange words and phrases we had never heard before. Some of them applied to units of measurement, while others were the names of actual dishes. So we decided to dig a littler deeper and come up with some of the more silly sounding food terms we could find. From a time when standard units of measurement were not agreed upon, and when everything was made from scratch, these old food terms are almost completely unheard of today. And while we’re far from being food historians, we want to know how much you know. Take our quiz below, and let us know your results in the comments section.
Question One Food Terms
What is a butt (of beer)?
Question 2 Food Terms
What is slumgullion?
Question 3 Food Terms
What is syllabub?
Question 4 Food Terms
What is switchel?
Question 5 Food Terms
What is farce?
Question 6 Food Terms
What is fool?
Question 7 Food Terms
What are jumbles?
Question 8 Food Terms
What is a clove? (not the spice)
How Did You Do? Leave Your Score In The Comments Section Below.