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Woman Spends $400 On Luxury Coffee Table And Receives A “Cheese Board With Legs”

When you are purchasing furniture, the process can be a bit of a crap shoot. Sometimes, you just do not know what you are getting until it is too late. That’s exactly what happened here and our hearts definitely go out to this buyer.

This story comes to us courtesy of a TikTok user from Australia who simply wanted to purchase themselves an awesome coffee table.

Photo: TikTok/@bechardgrave

There is nothing wrong with that, right? The table that she saw online was a white, stylish set up that she felt would be perfect for her home. What she got appears to be a cheeseboard with legs. Now, she is looking to offer up a dire warning to homeowners who are looking to make similar purchases. She hopes to help them avoid falling into the same trap.

Lifestyle content creator Bec Hardgrave is the one who is responsible for sharing her pain.

Photo: TikTok/@bechardgrave

“New trauma unlocked,” reads the caption and we cannot stop laughing. “This is officially the worst brand that you should NEVER buy anything from,” she says. We are inclined to believe her because this is one of the biggest swindles that we have ever seen.

From there, she shows off the image that we all came to see. She wanted to purchase the $392 Base Design Cocktail Table from LITFAD. Once she shows the audience what she actually received, we are able to see just how badly that she got ripped off.

Photo: TikTok/@bechardgrave

The table is not at all like the photos. It’s tiny and wonky and cheap looking. “Guys, this is a cheeseboard with legs,” she says with a laugh. “Are you actually kidding me?” It gets especially comical when she showcases how small the table is when compared to her plate.

“Dear Bec, Really sorry for the dissatisfaction. Our return policy means you need to return the item back to us first, when we receive it and confirm there is no man-made damage, we will refund you minus the shopping fee. That’s how it works, hope you can understand,” LITFAD responded when she e-mailed them about this issue.


New trauma unlocked ✨ #furniture #worstbrands #warning #coffeetable

♬ Storytelling – Adriel

Because it costs so much to ship the item back to China, it wasn’t worth the hassle. They offered her a measly 10% refund if she wanted to keep the fraudulent table.