We know that consuming alcohol is something popular that is done among adults in the United States. Nobody is debating that, but it seems as if there is something going on behind the scenes that most people don’t realize.
That something was brought to light, thanks to a study that was published recently in the Journal JAMA Network Open. According to the research, 20% of the deaths associated with young American adults (20-49 years old) are linked to binge drinking.

The study looked into data over a four-year period that happened recently. They also extended the range from 20 years up to 64 years and found that one out of eight deaths were still associated with binge drinking.
Drinking too much alcohol can lead to other serious issues, including cancer, heart disease, and liver disease. That puts it near the top of the list for preventative causes of death.

Both men and women experienced the same issues, according to the study, that led to death. Adults between 20 and 34 years old experienced issues with homicide and vehicle crashes that were directly related to binge drinking.
Considering the fact that one out of six adults has gone binge drinking, according to the CDC, it can be a rather serious problem. The CDC puts you in the category of binge drinking if you have at least four drinks in one sitting if you are a woman and at least five drinks in one sitting if you are a man.

One out of four of those adults practiced binge drinking at least on a weekly basis.
There are certain issues associated with binge drinking that are more likely to happen to men, such as liver disease. Where you live also could make a difference, with 21.7% of those deaths occurring in New Mexico and only 9.3% occurring in Mississippi.
Only deaths that were associated with alcohol-related conditions that were identified in the report as a cause of death were considered for this study.