If you are a child of the 90s, this year has been pretty amazing. To start, we were blessed with the Animaniacs reboot along with the reboot of Saved the Bell.
As if this were not enough, there’s an even better announcement for kids of the 90s. Do you remember some of the snacks that we used to enjoy while playing Super Nintendo? If so, you probably remember the delicious snack that was 3D Doritos. As it turns out, this snack is set to make a comeback in 2021.
It’s important to note that the official confirmation about this announcement has not been provided by Frito Lay as of yet. But nonetheless, there is heavy speculation that this rumor is accurate.
Instagram account @candyhunting shared an exclusive sneak peek at the triumphant return of the one and only 3D Doritos!
If you do not remember these puffy, tasty innovations, you may be a bit too young as they were only around from the 1990s to the mid 200s.
Of course, Frito Lay was asked for comment, but they’ve remained silent thus far. They were probably hoping to catch us all by surprise once next year rolled around. Too bad for them!
But, if not for this advance notice, we would not have been able to clear out all of the necessary space in our pantry. As for the rest of our readers, you now have roughly a month to get your pantries in order. Don’t say we never did anything for you!