This is the story of an 11-year-old boy from Muskogee, Oklahoma who managed to become one of the most extraordinary heroes that we have ever seen. Can you believe that he managed to save the lives of two different people within the same day? It’s the sort of story that seems like something out of a movie but this young man is as real as they come.
According to a post by the City of Muskogee, Davyon Johnson is said to have used the Heimlich maneuver on a choking student just last week.
As if this were not enough, he proceeded to save another woman from a burning home. Muskogee Police Department, Muskogee County Sheriff’s Office and Muskogee Public Schools representatives paid homage to the young man recently.
He was honored at the Muskogee Board of Education meeting and given the chance to become an honorary member of the town’s police and sheriff’s departments. The boy saved someone from choking after they had attempted to fill their water bottle while loosening its cap with their mouth. Once the child had swallowed the cap, Johnson sprung into action right away.
According to ADA News, the school’s principal said, “Davyon immediately sprinted over and did the Heimlich maneuver. From the account of the witnesses, when he did it the bottle cap popped out. He has always indicated that he wants to be an EMT. So he got to put that desire into action and immediately saved that young man.”
Once Dayvon left school that day, he came across another person who was in need. He saw the house on fire and saw an old woman with a walker who was struggling to get out of her home.
“I thought ‘oh, she’s not moving fast enough.’ So I ran across the street and helped her to her truck,” Dayvon explained in the interview below.
If you would like to learn more about this courageous young man and all of his efforts, please be sure to check out the local news report: