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Wrists Hurt from Crocheting? Here Are Four Tips for Relief

There’s nothing quite like getting into the stitching groove — until an hour or so has passed and your hands are starting to feel sore. What’s a crochet artist to do when pain arises?

Before we hit the tips and tricks for dealing with these aches, it’s important to understand why constant crocheting can leave you feeling sore. The repetitive motion of that groove mentioned earlier is what likely is leading to pain, though the way you hold your hands and how tightly you grip materials can also add to the tension.

You might feel aches in your hands, wrists, elbows, and arms, especially after long bouts of uninterrupted stitching. Follow these helpful suggestions, and your soreness might be a thing of the past.

1. Take breaks rather than trying to do a lot at once. It’s definitely tempting to keep going once you’re in the groove, especially if you’re cruising through a project or are trying to finish something on a deadline. But, something as simple as taking 10 or 15 minutes off could really help keep your hands healthy and feeling strong.

2. Keep good posture while working. It’s easy to slowly slip into poor posture while working on a new craft, but it’s important not to slouch, otherwise, your back and shoulders could be hurting after a stitching session. Take a seat somewhere that encourages you to sit up straight and provides support. During breaks, make sure to walk around, too.

3. Check out tools that’ll add cushion for your hands. There are lots of cool items out there that help guard against pain ñ like hooks with contoured or egg-shaped handles that are easier to grip. Some of our favorites include:

4. Try wrist exercises or massage. Whether you massage your own hands or trust them to a professional massage therapist, they’ll definitely benefit from stretching. This website provides some simple exercises, though simply moving them slowly in a circular motion can help flex those muscles. You could also try wearing a wrist brace or visiting a massage therapist.

If the pain becomes nagging, don’t hesitate to discuss it with your doctor – you don’t want to keep straining a wrist, arm, or fingers that are constantly sore. But if you follow these tips, you’ll take a proactive approach to aches, hopefully leaving you much more time to stitch without trouble!