If you want to make a delicious tasting dish, it is likely going to include onions. It doesn’t matter if they are raw, grilled, or fried, they add a sweet and savory taste to almost any type of food.
Although we know that onions are important for the food that we cook, many home cooks are not fully aware of how to use them. This includes choosing the one that is right for you at that particular moment.
If you are ready to learn more about onions, then this list of 10 different onion types will help you to take your cooking to the next level.
Although shallots are really onions, they are found in the allium family. They are small, purplish vegetables that have a hint of garlic flavor. Typically, they are used in dressings and sauces, but they may also be found in curries and noodle dishes. Shallots are best when they are roasted under chunks of meat.
These “green onions” are typically sold in bunches. You can cook them, but they are also good raw with a sweet, mild flavor. Green onions are often used as a garnish and are typically found in Asian dishes, including stir-fries, Ramen, and other savory dishes.
Sweet onions
This is a mild, crispy choice but when you cut them, your eyes are likely to tear up. The vidalia onions are a popular option for use in tomato salads or on top of your hamburger. Caramelizing a sweet onion will add a hint of sweetness.
These may have the appearance of a large scallion but they are completely different. Unlike a scallion, you will not want to eat a leek raw. Chop them up and cook them in a soup or use them in a stir fry. There are a lot of ways to use them.
Maui onions
This sweet onion comes from the Hawaiian island of Maui. They are a juicy choice that is perfect for salads, relish, or you can caramelize them. Some people like making them into onion rings.
Pearl onions
You often find pearl onions pickled and perhaps in a martini glass. For those who don’t want to use them with an adult beverage, you might try adding them to a stew or casserole. They are also great roasted.
You need to be on time to choose this wild onion because they have a very short season. They also tend to be costly. When Spring arrives, you will see these onions pop up before other vegetables. Ramps have a garlic-like taste and are popular in soups and pesto. Some people enjoy grilling them.
Cipollini onions
You might enjoy the very sweet taste of Cipollini onions. They can be roasted or sautéed, but most people truly appreciate them when they are caramelized.
White onions
These mild onions have a stronger taste but they are still fine to eat raw. Many people enjoy them in a salad or on top of a sandwich. If you want to add some zing to your guacamole or salsa, a white onion is a great choice.
Red onions
You can use red onions when you want to add a stronger taste to your raw dishes. If you choose to cook them, try using them with a balsamic flavor or in a soup.