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As we take the time to look back on the year, we love to see all of the year-end lists that get published around this time. They give us the chance to see if everyone else was as into certain shows and movies as we were, which is invaluable information.

Now, those who have been spending lots of time enjoying Netflix binges will have the chance to see where their favorites landed.

Photo: Unsplash/

A map created by offers readers the chance to learn more about the most popular programs on a state-by-state basis.

If you are the type of person who watches Netflix on the regular, you have probably spent some time watching one of the programs on this list. These are the shows that the United States embraced the most this past year. Some of the state entries are sure to be surprising but that’s not a problem. We will be taking a closer look at this map, to see if there are any shows that we did not get to this year that we should have.

Photo: Unsplash/

Since Netflix is not in the business of releasing conventional rating data to the general public, we have to make do with these types of displays.

In order to come up with the information, the good folks at Bookies decided to round up all of the necessary Google Trends data for each state before unleashing this map. It is sure to be controversial, as there are residents of certain states that may not agree with the show that was chosen to represent them. That’s part of the fun, though.


For example, we are stunned to see that Wednesday, which was released all of a month ago, has already managed to top the charts for a number of different states. From the looks of it, residents of Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, and Montana have been loving this one. Meanwhile, Dahmer also made waves this year and managed to serve as the top pick for 12 different states.

Take a moment to look over this map, as you are sure to find something that you like. The full map is an absolute blast and we hope that we get one of these bad boys every year going forward.