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Now that we have finally emerged from underneath all of the snow, it is time to break out the shorts and enjoy the warmer weather that is coming our way. The days of being outside with an ice-cold beverage in hand (adult or otherwise) and a plate of BBQ on our lap are upon us. Of course, there is just one con that is associated with summertime and it is a hard one to ignore: the bugs.

The bugs love to come out and play this time of year! The flies and mosquitoes that show up can be a major nuisance, that is for sure. Thankfully, there’s an easy DIY solution to keep flies away from your house and outdoor spaces this summer and it’s so simple!

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Tabe Paxson discovered a way to keep flies away and she took to Facebook to share her hack with the world. She explained that the flies were so bad last year, saying, “Has anyone else noticed how bad flies are this year?…Dad and me sit on the back porch a lot and dad even had a fly swatted out here with him bc they where so bad.”

Thankfully, this year she won’t have to deal with the pesky flies any longer!

Photo: flickr/Boyce Duprey

Her solution? Soap!

She said, “Well I googled how to keep them away and….. who knew Irish spring original scent would really work???? I’m amazed lol”

She went on to say that she “Hung one bar of Irish spring and shocked how quickly and well it works. Thought I would share for anyone else annoyed with the flies.”

Photo: <a href=" Paxson

It truly does not get any more complicated than that. Gardeners also use the soap as a means of keeping deer away, as these animals also despise the smell of Irish Spring. Who would’ve guessed?