If you follow the trends in gardening, you no doubt have heard about succulents. They just seem to be so popular nowadays, regardless of whether you are gardening inside or outside. There is something new on the scene, at least for many people, and they are jellyfish succulents. If you are trying to develop a beautiful backyard or front porch that looks like something straight out of a fairytale, then these are for you.
Jellyfish succulents are basically a cluster of succulent varieties that hang from a basket. The vine-like plants grow downward, making the overall creation look like a jellyfish. Succulents are very easy to care for because they don’t require a lot of attention or water. They seem to do best when you leave them alone, provided you do give them some water when the soil gets dry. Succulents are perfect for beginners, even if you have a “black thumb.”
Hearty Soul reports that you can make your own jellyfish succulents but you do need to decide what will form the body of the jellyfish. You also need to choose the succulents that will make up the tentacles. It requires two different types of succulents, a hanging basket, thin wire, sewing staples, and a needle. A moss basket is the best choice. Just fill it with soil, turn it over, and plant the succulents.
4 to 6 of the tendril plants will make up the tentacles. You should have up to 25 of them, depending upon which type you choose. Consider that enough should be selected so that the entire basket will be filled after it is grown.
The next step is to get the moss bucket and fill it with packing soil. Make sure it is high quality and then you can add fertilizer if you want. The tendrils can be planted a couple of inches from the outside of the basket, after which you will cover the bottom with felt and make sure that it fits properly. This is an important step because the moss bucket is turned upside down, so you want it to be able to support the soil’s weight. Check for spillage, because it gets heavier when you water.
The wire should be threaded in all directions with the needle and tied strongly around the bucket. After it has been secured properly, you can turn the moss bucket upside down but don’t crush the tendrils in the process.
Now it is time to plant the succulents. Clear the soil off of the roots of the succulent and any dead leaves should be removed. Choose a soft pot and stick the succulent into the moss, securing it with sewing staples. Ensure that the succulent is facing outward and you have contact with the planter. Some space should be left between succulents so they can grow. Talk to a florist if you have any questions.