Now that winter is upon us, ice is a constant danger that has to be accounted for. While slipping and falling on the ice is already problematic enough, there are even bigger concerns that have to be addressed.
For example, what happens if we end up falling through the ice? This is a scary moment and if you do not know what to do, it can be very scary.
Every year, people are left to fend for themselves when they fall through ice and that’s why this guide is here to help. It is important to remember that there are a number of locations where this can happen. You could be at a park or out in the wilderness.
These types of mishaps can even happen in neighborhoods that you are intimately familiar with. While these incidents do not need to be life-threatening, they can be if you do not know what you are doing.
Kenton Whitman is a Wisconsin outdoorsman who has decided to take the time to help everyone out with their wintertime exploration. His video will help those who fall into ice get themselves back out.
He’s got some great self-rescue techniques and it would behoove anyone who will be spending time in cold weather climates this year.
The wildest part, for us, is that Kenton decided to demonstrate the effectiveness of his techniques by falling through the ice himself. There are not many people who would be willing to be this gutsy, all in the name of helping others.
Of course, Whitman is sure to let people know that they should not be emulating his video. There is no reason to be tossing yourself into a lake like this and we can see why he would say that. Don’t make the mistake of trying to copy him. The warning that he gives is a dire one that needs to be heeded by all viewers ahead of time.
According to Kenton, “cold water immersion can cause sudden death from cardiac overload. Do not attempt unless under professional supervision.”
If you would like to learn more about how to stay safe this winter, please be sure to watch his instructional video in full:
You simply never know when this type of information might end up coming in handy.
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