When it’s time to put up your Christmas tree, one of the big events is always going to be stringing the lights. We may purchase high quality, low heat lights to keep our family safe and make the tree look as beautiful as possible. It’s just something that we do year after year, but have you ever thought about turning them upside down?
Although we may have a certain method of hanging the lights, perhaps it’s good to try a new method on occasion. You might just find that it’s a routine that makes your life a little bit easier and can even help to make the tree look as beautiful as possible.
This tip comes from designer Francisco Bilotto. He recommends hanging the Christmas tree lights vertically, rather than stringing them in a circle around the entire tree. It has a number of benefits, including using fewer lights to make the tree beautiful and it makes it less likely to lose some of the bulbs in the middle of the tree, where they are not typically seen.
You can use this method with an artificial or a real tree, but using the vertical technique requires only a few steps when all is said and done. You just start at the end of the light string that does not have the plug and put it at the top of the tree. Hang the lights downward until you reach the bottom, move over a few inches, and then work your way back up to the top of the tree again. Just vary your path a little so you aren’t getting straight lines.
It may be necessary to adjust the branches so the cords aren’t visible, but after you put up your ornaments and some other decorations, it’s not going to be as obvious anyway. Vertical lighting makes the tree look brighter and is less time-consuming to put up and takedown.
You should also consider using LED lights because they stay cool and are energy-efficient. They also tend to last longer than regular lights. Although they are more expensive, they can save you money over the years.