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You don’t have to rough it to enjoy a vacation. I’m sure that you have heard of ‘glamping’, which brings together the best worlds of glamor and camping. There is also a new trend for those who want to get away with the grandkids but don’t want to leave behind the comfort of life. That new travel trend is called ‘gramping’ and it is a great way to enjoy a get-away with the grandkids.

The importance of spending quality time with the grandkids should not be underestimated. The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) reports that 49% of grandparents feel that one of their biggest challenges in life is living to far away from their grandchildren. AARP conducted the 2018 survey and found that 405 of grandparents traveled with their grandkids and 32% though that ‘glamping’ is an idea well worth considering. Another discovery of the survey is that 60% of kids that vacationed with their grandparents felt closer to them after doing so.

Sarah Gilliland is a mother that sends her twin daughters from their Birmingham, Ala home to vacation with the grandparents for a week every year. Their most recent outing was at FDR State Park in Georgia.

“We’re allowed some much-needed relaxation time, whether that’s a staycation or an actual vacation,” Gilliland told Boomer Magazine of her family’s tradition. “It gives us a chance to remember who we were before kids and allows us uninterrupted quality time with one another. My parents benefit by growing their relationship with their grandkids.”

Photo: Pixabay

One of the great things about glamping is that you can do it anywhere. It doesn’t matter if you live close to your grandkids or across the country, the kids will love being spoiled and enjoying some time away. They can stay near their home or go to another country. The possibilities are endless.

George and Beverly Garmany from Colorado have taken their young grandsons across the country to Plymouth, Mass. They love taking the chance to get to know the grandkids better.

“Like most grandparents, we feel like we don’t really get enough time with the grandchildren,” Garmany told the Boston Globe. “We certainly have time with them, but to go on a special trip like this, these will be trips that all of us will remember for the rest of our lives.”

It seems like we have some vacation planning to do.