Five Guys is one of our favorite burger joints for a number of reasons. We love all of the fries that they throw in the bag, especially as compared to the other burger guys. No one wants to finish their fries before the burger is done. Now, this Five Guys secret menu order is sure to make all of the cheese lovers of the world very happy.
marissak2 is the TikTok user who went viral for sharing this video and we are forever in her debt. This is one of the cheesiest orders that we have ever seen, and believe us, we know cheese! The video is already nearing a million views and rightfully so. She explains the whole process behind the creation of this wonderful masterpiece.
When you make your order, you start by asking for a grilled cheese sandwich. Once you have ordered the grilled cheese, it is time to tack on all of the toppings that you love most. From there, you add on an extra patty and you’re ready to enjoy the cheese lover’s burger!
It is seriously one of the cheesiest burgers that we have ever seen in our entire lives. The cheese alone does not grant the burger legendary status, though.
You see, when these sandwiches are prepared at Five Guys, the bun is toasted and a bit of mayo is applied to the bread. This is designed to provide the sandwich with a bit of additional flavor and crunchiness.
When regular burgers are ordered, they do not receive the same sort of treatment.
In the wise words of Marissa, the messiest burgers usually taste the best. We are not scared to get our hands dirty, that is for sure.
Those who have lactose intolerance need not apply! As for the rest of us? We cannot wait head to our local Five Guys to give this order a try.