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What do you see when you look at the picture below?

If you are like most people, you see two giant lamps sitting in a yard. At that point, you may be wondering, how can that be?

How big are these Facebook Marketplace lamps?!
byu/codeyqueen inCasualUK

After being posted online, the Internet went crazy trying to figure out the optical illusion. It seems to show giant lamps, and many people were happy to believe that they were sitting right there on the lawn. There were others, however, who had another idea of what they were seeing.

Some of the commentators were asking how large those lamps were. It was one of those scenarios that just seemed to surprise many people, and it looked as if nobody could agree on what they were seeing.

Photo: Piqsels

Many got to the point and understood, eventually, what they were seeing but they also were shocked by how good this particular illusion was. One person even went so far as to say that it was the most convincing optical illusion that they had seen in quite some time.

Others were saying that they still didn’t see the truth, even after they knew it.

byu/codeyqueen from discussion

For those who are struggling to figure this one out and would like to know, I’m about ready to provide you with the spoiler alert.

Make sure that you want to know the answer before you look below.

It’s an optical illusion because they are not actually on the lawn, they are suspended on a line and hanging above to illuminate the walkway.