When TikTok first got popular, it was an easy app to make fun of. Why was everyone constantly glued to it? What was so great about it?
It’s one of those things that we did not understand until we immersed ourselves in the app on a regular basis. As it turns out, it is one of the most invaluable resources that we have at our fingertips, believe it or not.

It’s about more than the latest dance moves. People are on here sharing all sorts of tips and hacks that are sure to change the lives of viewers at home. Once we saw the latest trend on there, we knew that we had to share it with the rest of you. This is an especially crucial tip for those who have a bigger grocery shopping trip each week.
Sometimes, it can be difficult to fit everything in one cart. That’s where this amazing hack comes into play. Did you know that you can actually link two carts together?

We had no idea. The tip that you are about to see comes to us courtesy of HowDoesShe. It has never been easier to navigate your next grocery shopping run, especially the bigger trips.
All you need to do is grab the child straps for each cart and you can make a nice little train. It is really that easy. If you would like to see the hack in action, be sure to check out the video that she has provided. It is one of the coolest things that we have seen in some time. The bigger families out there are sure to appreciate this one.

Anyone who cannot manage to fit their entire order in the same grocery cart would do well to check this one out.
We always thought that we would need two people to push the carts in these instances but nothing could be further from the truth. These are the hacks that keep us coming back to TikTok over and over again.
It does not matter what problem you are experiencing. The experts on this app are always going to be there to help see you through.