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How To Make Your Own DIY Clorox Wipes

When you are trying to stock your cupboards in the midst of a pandemic, the process can be challenging. We have all been feeling the sting when we go grocery shopping. Cleaning products, flour, and toilet paper have all been hard to come by. Cleaning products are especially important at the moment because everyone is doing their best to stay germ-free.

We all recognize the importance of sanitized surfaces right now and by taking the proper precautions, we can all work together to slow the spread of the coronavirus. If you are anything like the rest of us, your cleaning supplies could be starting to dwindle. Our stash of Clorox wipes has begun to get low. Fortunately, we are here to provide you with a helpful hack that will get you back on your feet.

Photo: YouTube/MamaInTheKitchen

There is no need to panic. Thanks to this awesome DIY method, you can make your own wipes at home with no problem. You probably have all of the necessary ingredients on hand, too. On that note, it’s time to get started.

Head to your kitchen and grab a roll of paper towels. Do you have an empty disinfecting wipes container? If not, don’t fret. You can utilize any empty container in your home that comes with a hole on top. From there, grab two cups of water and three tablespoons of Clorox. Slice the paper towel roll down to the same size as the aforementioned container.

Photo: YouTube/MamaInTheKitchen

Place the roll inside of the container. Now you can mix your Clorox and water together. Take the solution and pour it over the paper towel roll. The cardboard roll needs to be removed from the paper towel’s center. The paper towel should be able to fit through the hole in the lid now. Your do-it-yourself wipes will function in the same manner as the Clorox wipes that you have purchased from the store in the past.

Would you like to see this hack in action? If so, take a moment to check out the video below and share it with your closest friends and loved ones. Mama In The Kitchen certainly has some great tips to share. We are not exaggerating when we saw that this video is a life changer. Please be sure to pass this clip along as soon as possible. Let’s all do our best to take care of ourselves and one another going forward!