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How To Clean Your Blinds While They’re Still Hanging

Certain chores only need to be done once or twice a year, but that does not make them any less tedious. Cleaning your blinds is one such task that’s usually a big hassle. Thankfully, Clean My Space shared a tip for cleaning blinds while they’re still hanging and it’s the easiest method we’ve come across.

In addition to just looking gross or causing allergies, excess dust on blinds can lead to dust mite problems. No one wants that!

So, to get started cleaning your blinds the easy way, simply dust the blinds. Use an old sock or a microfiber cloth for best results.

Next, fill a bucket with water and a few drops of liquid dish soap.

Photo: YouTube/Clean My Space

Take the cloth and dunk it in the solution. Begin cleaning each blind, one at a time. Keep wringing out the cloth as needed and dunking it into the solution as you progress through each of the blinds. That’s all it takes and the process should not be overly tedious.

The next time spring cleaning rolls around, you are going to be fully prepared for every imaginable task. Or, whenever you get to that quarantine “to do” list.

Check out the video below for more details on using this method!