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Did you know that the JW Wescott Mailboat on the Detroit River has its very own ZIP code?

Sam Denby from Half as Interesting explained the reasoning behind the boat being granted a zip code and it’s fascinating, to say the least.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

How could a boat end up with its very own ZIP code? It’s a question worth answering and Denby delved into it, in his signature style.

The non-military boat serves as a functional post office that floats. We had no idea that such a thing was even possible.


The post office is designed to handle the heavy flow of traffic that takes place up and down the river each day.

It’s such a brilliant idea, we cannot believe that more people have not thought of it already.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

“The freighters on the Detroit River, however, couldn’t be assigned a ZIP code, since there was no post office floating in the river. So, to remedy this, the USPS granted the J.W. Westcott mailboat the rank of post office and gave it its very own ZIP code: 48222—essentially, the ZIP code of the Detroit River,” they explained in the video below.

Check out it to learn more: