If you’ve ever had an opportunity to stay at an Airbnb, you realize that each one is unique in its own right.
Perhaps that is why many people enjoy staying there, because it is not a cookie-cutter but rather, it is a home.

Sometimes, however, the people who own an Airbnb go overboard when it comes to their rules. We get it, it is necessary to have rules in any establishment, but when you get crazy with it, you can expect some feedback.
In this particular case, it was at a rental in Montauk that received all of the attention. The rules that were just everywhere in the home were recorded on video, and uploaded to TikTok, and they went viral.

The person posting the video said: “This Airbnb, this is just excessive. This is in Montauk, yo. Let me show y’all this.”
Rules were everywhere, including one that you shouldn’t smoke or vape. We get it, but they also wanted you to put your perfume on outside.

The shower door had a sign that said they would shut the hot water off after eight minutes to help you conserve water.
Signs were everywhere in the home, so much so that it would be difficult to follow them.
@airbnbhorrorstory No smoking. Okay. I get that. And maybe the toilet. I get weak pipes. But the rest are a little insane. #airbnbtiktok #airbnbhost #airbnbexperience #airbnb #travel #traveltiktok #fyp #holiday #beach #vacation #weekendgetaway #airbnbnightmare
Of course, commenters were there to criticize the owner of the home as well. Some of them were joking about it, but others were appalled that so many rules existed for one location.