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Tough stains are often the bane of our existence. It can seem as if they are impossible to remove, but as it turns out, vodka may just be the answer to our problems.

Let’s say that you have just spilled a beverage of some kind on your couch. The liquor cabinet is one of the most important areas of the home when it comes to removing stains, whether you know it or not.

Photo: Max Pixel

Vodka is good for more than just getting sloshed with some friends. According to Hunker, there’s a way to use vodka as a natural stain remover and it works for the toughest of situations.

To get started, make sure that you are cleaning up as much of the spill as possible while it is still fresh. That’s a key aspect of this equation.

In other words, don’t just keep dumping vodka on the stain and hoping for good things to happen. Take a washcloth and soak it in the vodka when you are truly ready.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Once the rag is damp, drape it over the stain for a few minutes. From there, the material should be able to air dry. The hack works on a variety of different fabrics, so don’t be shy.

Your carpets and upholstered furniture will both benefit immensely. It’s not just beverage spills that can be removed either. Grass, food, and ink can be all handled with vodka. Even red wine stains are removable when you use this helpful tip.

The high alcohol content of vodka makes it a wonderful alternative to the commercial stain removers that you’ll normally find.

Photo: flickr/Rosenfeld Media

Did you know that alcohol functions as a degreasing agent? That’s why it is so effective in this regard. Anyone who does not care for the odors that are left behind by the heavy-duty cleaners is sure to love this.

Just make sure not to use flavored vodka, though. Sugar only adds to messes of this nature.