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When you are spending time at someone’s home, it is usually very easy to tell which mug is their favorite. You will typically notice a number of brown rings on the interior.

If they are not cleaned away in a timely manner, they can start to become very unsightly. For most of us, this is just something that we have resigned ourselves to. Did you know that there is a better way, though?

Photo: Pixabay/SiokKuan Ng

It probably won’t surprise anyone to learn that baking soda is an integral aspect of the equation when it comes time to clean these cups. To get started, grab some baking soda and add a teaspoon or two to the bottom of the cup. Once this step has been taken care of, add some water to the cup and create a paste.

Grab a damp cloth or sponge and use it to move the paste mixture around the bottom of the cup. Plain dish soap can often miss these tougher stains, which is why a gentle abrasive is needed in instances like these. All it takes is a few minutes of scrubbing and the cup should be restored to normal again.

Photo: Pixabay/Esther Grosjean

As soon as the scrubbing is done, take a moment to rinse and dry the mug in the usual manner. There are no additional steps to be taken. This trick will also work wonders when it comes to the other items in your house that are stained with old coffee. For example, the glass carafe that is used to make the coffee each morning may have seen better days.

Use the baking soda paste to scour it and you are sure to notice a major difference once the task is complete. Yes, the discoloration may linger but the carafe is definitely going to look a heck of a lot better than it did before you got started, trust us on that one. Is there anything that the almighty cleaning powers of baking soda cannot handle?

Photo: Pixabay/NatureFriend

We humbly submit that there is not. If you have any further ideas for how we can spruce up our homes with baking soda, we are all ears.

Have you tried this tip before? Let us know!