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When you have to get up and catch an early morning flight, there are a number of dos and don’ts. You will want to get to the airport with plenty of time to spare. You do not want to bring anything with you that is going to be confiscated by the TSA agents. And while most of us probably see nothing wrong with ordering tea or coffee on a flight, we are here to fill you in on a little secret. (Hint: even the flight attendants avoid these two drinks!)

So, typically drinking coffee or tea is fine, even great! But, when you’re ordering that tea or coffee on a flight, the plane has limited resources. The base of both coffee and tea is water and that water is not being taken from a bottle. No, it’s actually being taken from a hose! I don’t know about you, but I don’t want coffee hose water. We learned this from a flight attendant who confided in reporters from Business Insider.

Photo: Flickr

The water supplies that are used on airplanes also contain sizable amounts of bacteria and dangerous chemicals. One out of every eight planes is unable to pass the basic agency standards when it comes to water safety. As an infectious disease specialist at Baylor University Medical Center, Dr. Cedric Spak is well qualified to speak out about this topic.

He is warning anyone who has a compromised immune system to take the proper steps. Steer clear of these beverages at all costs. Parents who are looking to provide a drink of water for their children should never fill their bottles with water from an airplane. They could be placing their children at risk, without even knowing it.

The moral of this story is a very simple one: do not drink any tea, coffee, or water when you are riding on an airplane. Bottled water is fine, though. If you get thirsty, do not drink anything that does not come sealed. Canned beverages are also acceptable if you are looking to quench your thirst. Protecting your health while flying is of the utmost importance. Be sure to share this valuable tip with your friends and loved ones.