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Waxing on and off seems to be the classic line associated with car wax, and indeed this tiring process means we don’t use this product much because honestly, it can be a real hassle! Even though we rarely utilize wax for cars, it doesn’t mean it has to go to waste! Try some of these car wax tips, and you’ll see that using car wax will make home cleaning more manageable.

Via: Flickr

Protect faucets from rust and grime with a finish of car wax. After cleaning and removing the rust, scaling, and lime with a cleaner, rub on car wax. The lubricant will prevent future buildup and also make your faucets and handles look shiny longer. This additionally works on other dirty surfaces like stove tops and backsplashes.

Via: Flickr

Prolong the life of your outdoor furniture with an application of car wax. Before you plan to use your patio furniture, wipe it with a layer of car wax and let it dry. The lubricant will protect it against rain and rust throughout the seasons.

Via: Flickr

We put off cleaning standing fans and ceiling fans, and it’s easy to see why! Wiping the blades of dust is a sticky and messy process. The next time you’re faced with servicing your fans apply car wax to the blades. Dust won’t cling, which means you’ll clean less!

Via: Flickr

You just snagged a great piece of used furniture only to find out that when you open the drawers it creeks like a haunted house. To quiet these noisy drawers, rub on and off car wax on the tracks of the drawer, this will make it glide smoothly and silently.

Via: Flicrk

Car wax is an excellent lubricant for garden tools in the summer and snow shovels in the winter. It creates a slick surface for debris and snow to slide right off. Before the summer or winter seasons, wipe the blades or shovels with wax to ensure they’re ready to use at any moment.

Via: Unsplash

Add longevity to cleaning with this handy wax. Wipe the underneath rim of the toilet bowl and the bottom base of the toilet with the wax, it makes your cleaning last longer, no need for scrubbing every day.

Any of these tips will keep your household items looking cleaner for longer!