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Let’s face the facts here: It is costly to keep fresh produce in your home. Of course, it is always frustrating to bring these items home and have them go bad within a few days’ time.

Anyone who has ever had to throw out a sizable amount of produce before is shaking their head solemnly as they read. This is especially true of baby carrots.

Photo: flickr/01229

Why do they end up with a fuzzy white coating within a few days and what are we supposed to be doing about it exactly? In most instances, people will assume that their carrots have gone bad and throw them away. Little did we know that this is not the case at all actually. What a game-changer!

This fuzzy white coating is actually not as bad as you might think. In case you are wondering, this coating is usually referred to as “carrot blush” or “white blush.”

Photo: flickr/Krista

You would be forgiven for thinking that this was a form of mold, but in reality? The opposite is true. According to Reader’s Digest, this is actually the carrots’ way of telling you that they are dehydrated. We were today years old when we learned this one.

Once you start to notice that your carrots have gotten thirsty, it is time to provide them with a much-needed drink. As it turns out, you will have a very easy time rehydrating them. All that you need to do is let them soak in some cold water for ten minutes. It is really that simple, we promise you.

Photo: flickr/Savanna Smiles

The carrots’ hydration will be restored and even if you still see the white coating after they are soaked, they should be safe to eat. Gone are the days of taking these fuzzy carrots and throwing them into the trash. Others were tossing them out to the animals to eat. While there is nothing wrong with doing this, it is always nice to get our money’s worth when it comes to our grocery shopping.

After all, who has money to waste on foods that are constantly being thrown out? We know that we do not! You can also toss your vegetables that are starting to look rough in a bit of olive oil. We will also roast them for side dishes or blend them up to make a nice soup.