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In New Orleans and beyond, Gumbo has been a classic since the turn of the 19th century. No two chefs make it the same way, but it’s a creole stew that crosses class barriers and is popular on the tables of both those who have a little and those who have a lot. Some cooks thicken theirs with okra, others use filé (ground sassafras leaves), while others use a flour roux. You could write an entire article about the intricacies of gumbo, but one thing we know for sure is that it’s certainly delicious enough to deserve the kind of attention it receives.

Can you guess where the next dish comes from?

4) This pie is cool and tart and the signature citrus that goes into it is only grown in one location. If you know your geography at all, the name probably gives it away… but do you know what state Key Lime Pie comes from?

Click the ‘next page’ button to find the answer!