Making Mealtime Meaningful: Discover how we're giving back with the 12T Cares program →

7. Minimize late-night screen time.

The blue light from our smartphones, tablets, and televisions blocks our brains from releasing melatonin, the chemical we need in order to fall asleep. Give your eyes (and brain) a break from technology by shutting off these devices 1-2 hours before you plan to fall asleep.

8. Don’t dwell on it.

When we put our head on the pillow is NOT the time to start stewing over the day’s (or our past) mistakes. Anxiety is one of the main culprits when it comes to the loss of sleep. Keep a journal nearby and use it as a place to put down your thoughts or your to-do list before you fall asleep. Then close it up and allow yourself to let it go, at least for the night, and start fresh the next morning.

9. Get up.

If you find yourself tossing and turning, don’t just take it lying down. Get up! But don’t reach for your phone. Try reading a book, perhaps some gentle yoga, even completing a task like folding a basket of laundry. Don’t tackle a difficult or more demanding task at this time. Getting up can serve as a kind of reset button to your sleep.

10. Choose the right late night snack.

Going to bed on an empty stomach can make falling asleep hard to do, but so too can a stomach that is too full. A late night snack is OK, as long as it’s the right snack. Stay away from processed foods with high sugar contents; instead, reach for a small banana or a handful of blueberries for a healthier nighttime munchie.

Sleep is an essential bodily function. It helps us to heal our brains and bodies so that we’re able to wake up the next morning feeling refreshed and energized. When we don’t get enough sleep, we feel lethargic, and too many days of poor sleep can lead to significant health issues, like weight gain or feelings of anxiety or depression. We all know how important sleep is, but what can we do when sleep eludes us? While there are medical conditions that may affect our sleep, in general, anxiety is the main reason why we struggle to catch enough ZZZZs. When falling asleep is a struggle, try one or more of these methods to help you fall asleep faster.