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We love learning how to clean better, quicker, and more naturally! Whether it’s finally figuring out how to remove certain stains from the carpet or the best way to wipe off dirty fingerprints on the fridge, we’ll take all the advice we can get. Below we have some of our favorite cleaning tips from the professionals! Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

1. Oil To Remove Fingerprints On Stainless Steel

Do you have stainless steel kitchen appliances? Sure, they look amazing when everything is clean, but it only takes about 10 seconds for little hands to leave fingerprints on every surface! Melissa Maker from the blog & YouTube channel, “Clean My Space,” gives an awesome tip to tidy up that stainless steel and keep it cleaner longer. She says to use a drop of oil – either olive oil or baby oil – on a clean paper towel to buff away any lingering spots. Wipe away excess oil with a clean paper towel.